Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Third Day 03/26/08

This morning when I heard my alarm go off at 6am, I was in no mood to get up. I didn’t get to bed last night until after midnight. After fighting myself for 15 min. I finally rolled our of bed and got ready. I met up with everyone in the lobby at 6:30am and we hopped into the vans and drove to Musicians Village to shoot at sunrise. While walking around we ran into Maya who works in volunteer services. She told us a little about what they are doing and about the community. After talking with Maya we walked around some more until 8:30am when we met up with Elise. Who is the public relations person for Habitat for Humanity. She laid down the ground rules and they set us free to take pictures. The first thing I did was walk through one of the houses where I found high schoolers painting. At first they were interested in us being there but they soon grew tired of being photographed so I moved on through the house and on outside. Where I walked along the backside of the houses and found the high band setting up. They were going to perform at noon for everyone on the job site and anyone else who wanted to come. The teacher gave me a newspaper article about what they did to be able to get down there. They were from IL. After being informed on the band I explored some more and found them working on the framework of a house. At first they were very aware of me taking their pictures so after a while I started to act like I was bored with taking their photos and they started to relax and I was able to get some great shots. There were a few students who came up and talked to me about what I was doing and were very comfortable in front of the camera. While photographing everyone started to get tired so Rich asked a staff member where we could get lunch and he introduced us to a woman by the name of Pearl. She is a homeowner. She allowed us to take photos of her with the flash and umbrella. Then she led us to a small market where we go po boys and sandwiches. While walking back to the habitat site I felt very out of place with my huge camera bag and camera strapped around my neck. I hate the feeling of being a tourist and with us there is no way to even try to hide the fact that we are tourist with our cameras. After getting back we all packed into the van and came back to the hotel where I was able to take a 30 min. nap before we met again in the lobby for critique. After crit. we took the streetcar to the cemeteries. Along the way we met a lady by the name of Kathy she told us about the cemeteries and tried to contact a friend to get us in because at that time of day they were closed. But her friend couldn’t do anything for us. So we found a way into one of them. We split up into groups so that we wouldn’t get mugged because cemeteries are not the safest place. After we split up we turned around and a flock of birds flew up and scarred us. While walking through the cemetery I saw beautiful mausoleums. The sky was so blue it looked amazing. I've also come up with an idea for my final project, I want to use us. The behind the scenes type series, what it takes to make a photograph. I told Rich my idea and he said he would think about it. Hopefully he will say I can. Because I find myself taking more photographs of us. Than my surroundings. Although I still take pictures like everyone else. At the end of this day my feet hurt, I'm sun burnt, and my middle toe on my left side is numb. And with all of that I still can't wait to get up tomorrow and do it again. The pain is worth the gain!

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