Sunday, March 16, 2008


I've been doing finals since this past week and it's so stressful and with the trip to New Orleans it only adds to the stress. I ordered flash cards in the mail I'm hoping they come in before we leave. If they don’t that will be one more thing to worry about. My speech that I have been working on is about my unicycle now I know that doesn’t sound like it would be hard to write but finding information is not to easy and the fact that I cant stay concentrated on writing I get distracted by every little thing. I wish they had never invented facebook because that is my biggest distraction. My roommate is moving out this week it's one of those bitter sweet things its nice because I will be able to have my own room and sleep in peace without someone walking in and out. But it's also a bitter thing because outside of this apt we get along really well and I know that when she moves out we wont hang out because she will have her own life going on and I will have mine so that makes me very sad. When I first moved in we were very close but recently haven’t been I wish it would go back to those times when we got along so well when there was no drama of living together. But those times will never be again and I will have to move on and just keep those times in my heart. Now that I've done my rambling I must get some sleep so I will be well rested for my speech tomorrow or should I say today now since it’s past midnight.

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